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The present therapeutic agreement is between you (the Patient) and the Psychologist assigned to you by Capital Therapy London.The present therapeutic agreement abides by the GDPR legislation 2018. By commencing therapy (in-person and/or remote/online), the Patient (you) agrees to the following terms and conditions:

All new Patients are required to read and agree to the terms and conditions as laid out below. It is assumed by commencing therapy the Patient agrees to the terms & conditions of this agreement. The Patient is required to respond in writing (via email) if s/he does not agree to the terms and conditions of this agreement.

Any insured or uninsured session (in-person and/or online) cancelled or rescheduled by the Patient with less than 48 hours’ notice will be charged in full to the Patient. Any sessions (insured or uninsured, in-person and/or online) that take place every other week (i.e., 14 days), that are cancelled or rescheduled by the Patient with less than 7 days’ notice will be charged in full to the Patient. Each appointment for uninsured Patients (private) must be paid before or at the time of booking the appointment. Failure to do so will result in the Patient forfeiting the session.

The Psychologist abides by the code of confidentiality of HCPC, BPS and GDPR regulations. Identifying information, such as Patient’s name, address, biographical details and other description of a Patient’s life and his/her circumstances, will be kept confidential and stored safely in line with GDPR. 

Contact outside sessions is encouraged mainly for re-scheduling appointments. If there is a crisis you (the Patient) can leave a message by email or text and your psychologist will contact you as soon as they are available. Please be mindful that Capital Therapy London is not a crisis service.

If you require emergency support please contact your GP, NHS 111 online service, or 999. In addition, you can call:

-The Samaritans (24hr): 116 123

-Saneline: 0845 767 8000 (6pm – 11pm).

-Rethink: 0845 456 0455 (Mon – Fri, 10am – 2pm).

-CALM: 0800 58 58 58 (Everyday, 5pm – midnight).

For detailed Terms and Conditions, please see here.

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